Session #1 - in which Æon forms a new team

Our story begins in a conference room in an Æon Trinity building in the Upside area of Olympus, the largest settlement on Luna.

The player characters have been gathered together by Æon to track down a missing muezzin bang diva by the name of Aisha Bennett, also known by the stage name of "The Ice Maiden". The group consists of two members of ISRA (the Interplanetary School of Research and Advancement, a Psi Order); a telepath by the name of Bryant Kho and a clairsentient private investigator by the name of Howie Sadd. Alongside them are Suzi, an ex-Norça biokinetic who know works for Æon and Zimwi, an Æon Associate and Æscuplapian first responder.

The team are introduced to each other and briefed by a nervous Æon agent named Terrance Williams. Terry explains that Aisha was due to hit the big time but suddenly vanished after a gig in Downside Olympus. She has not been seen for almost 30 hours.

Terry is able to provide the following details:
  • Aisha was last seen performing at "The Dead End" a bar in Downside
  • Aisha rented an apartment in Little Hong Kong
  • Her agents are Warner & Kurosawa and it is understood that she recently signed a very lucrative new deal with Eclipse Media.
The team ask why this is important enough for Æon to get involved and Terry receives a call; it is Otha Herzog, the Clairsentient Proxy and head of ISRA. He explains that they have been brought together as this disappearance begins events of significance and their involvement is essential, but for good or ill, he cannot say.
After some discussion (and lots of coffee, breakfast pastries and gummy sweets from the hospitality laid on by Æon) the team decide to head to "Dead End".

Dead End is a complete dive of a place but once there Bryant and Howie interview the barman and discover that Aisha was a local-girl-made-good. The gig was a return to her roots before hitting the big time but some of her past came to visit. They learn that Aisha used to run with a minor street called "the Ferals" who were in attendance at the gig and the team discover that the Ferals are now runners for the Vor V Zakone. They get a description of the gang's leader, Sunny Hook, from the bartender and also learn that as well as the gang members there was another peculiar member of the audience; a Qin.

Howie uses his Clairsentient gifts to peer back in time in the wash-room that doubles as a green room. He sees Aisha both before and after her set and gets the feeling she was nervous and not just because of performing.

Meanwhile the others speak to one of the other staff who was working that night and they are able to confirm that when Aisha left the bar she was with the leader of The Ferals. The Qin then followed them out. 

The team contact Terry and ask him to liaise with the ULPD (United Lunar Police Department) on their behalf.


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