Session #2 - in which many questions are asked

The session began with the team dividing in two; Terrance arranged an appointment for Bryant and Zimwi to talk to an Eclipse Media executive about signing "The Ice Maiden" while Howie and Suzi headed to Little Hong Kong to check out Aisha's apartment.

Suzi canvassed local shop owners and residents and discovered that a Qin matching the description of the alien in "Dead End" had recently been seen in the local area. The landlord grants them access to Aisha's studio apartment but Howie's Clairsentient powers aren't able to discover any details about her last visit there. However he does notice a lot of Qin and Qin-inspired artwork and artefacts.

Meanwhile, after Zimwi is called away to assist a Vacuum Response Team with a seal rupture emergency in Old Town, Bryant interviews the Eclipse Exec. He learns that the executive's office had a call from Aisha yesterday and that she is due to come in tomorrow at 15:00 to have a set of promotional tri-d images taken. It appears that Aisha spoke to one of the exec's staff but the call came from an untraceable Opnet address.

Howie contacts his journalist contact, Jerel Bines, and gets some details of The Ferals. It appears that they were more of a nuisance street gang; vandalism and graffiti, minor drug crime and infrequent vehicle thefts and robbery, but in the last eighteen months they have tried to "mature", possibly as the members aren't getting any younger, and have fallen under the sway of the Vor V Zakone. The syndicate are currently using them as runners and expendable "gophers".    

Due to Terry setting up contact with the ULPF in the last session Suzi is able to negotiate chaperoned access to review the security footage in the area outside the Dead End on the night of The Ice Maiden's last performance. She learns that Aisha seemed to part with Sunny Hook, the leader of The Ferals, on good terms and that after the Qin from the bar approached them Sunny headed towards the Feral's flop house while Aisha walked in the direction of Little Hong Kong with the Qin.

The team have a conference call to share information and discuss next steps. It is agreed that Bryant will visit the Qin Embassy while Howie and Suzi approach Sunny Hook and The Ferals.

Upon arriving at the Qin Embassy Bryant opens up his Psi Attunement sense and is amazed by the quantity and quality of the noetic presence; the entire facility radiates on the noetic plane as every element of the facility's structure and all the technology within are Qin bioapps. Added to which every one of the Qin he can sense registers as psionically gifted. He is left to wonder what it must be like to part of species where everyone has a level of Psi power.

Within the embassy he is greeted by a Qin; Emerald Whispering Elms Society Tung Jen. He explains the situation and they offer to help. Whispering Elms uses some form of bioapp (a Bànlu) to download images of the Qin from the bar (that Suzi had copied from the security footage) to see if they can identify them. They advise Bryant that they will be in touch when they can but to feel free to contact them if he needs further help.

The Feral's flop house is a rundown vehicle bodyshop in Downside. Howie and Suzi manage to convince Sunny that they are just looking to help Aisha and she tells them about how when Aisha left the gang that there was initially enmity between them.  When the gang heard about the gig at Dead End they were set to cause trouble but beforehand Aisha visited Sunny and looked to parlay. It seemed like Aisha was trying to sort business out and not leave any bad feeling between them. They talked things over and came to an agreement; she'd earnt Sunny's respect by having the guts to face up and come to see them. The gang went to the gig as guests and were fully supportive, in fact Sunny says that she will put the word around and if the Feral's hear anything they will let Suzi know.

Howie then notices something across the street, it appears that someone is watching them. As the figure disappears he gives chase, followed shortly after by Suzi. Howie chases the shadowy figure down alleys and passageways but loses them as they vault a fence. The athletic prowess necessary indicates that the figure was enhanced in some way and when the light caught them Howie got a glimpse that they were wearing yellow. Suzi tries to sense any active Psi use and comes up a blank. 

Aisha has now been missing for 46 hours...


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