Interlude #2 - Zimwi has a hunch

Zimwi- Zimwi stops part-way through her run.  She'd aimed for the African domes, running down access tunnels while her agent recited basic details of Qin society.  She halts the lesson and dictates a message, then sends it to Suzi, Bryant and Howie:

Something just occurred to me.  The Poison Clan's rep says you don't go to them but they come to you.  They find out you have a problem and offer to kill someone to fix it.  If that's true, they must have an information network in the underworld, otherwise they wouldn't know who to contact.  But - and here's where it stops making sense - it looks like they were hired by someone in the Qin.  A bunch of hired killers, however well connected, isn't going to know about Qin internal politics, so couldn't contact the Qin to offer their services.  My best guesses right now are that either the Poison Clan were set up somehow, or that they're already in some way agents of a Qin faction.

Also, if the Poison Clan were really hired by a Qin, then it means that some in the Qin are ready to kill ally-race humans in our own colony.   And if we want to look into this when we get back, then the Poison Clan are a lead as they've got some special link with the Qin.  Or maybe mention it to Terry before we go?

Here's my guess for what's going on: Aisha and Truthsculpter (the Qin artist) get to know each other and bond artistically.  Truthsculpter invites her home.  Some faction in the Qin objects to too much contact or revealing too much to the humans, so tries to put a stop to it.

Bryant Kho - "Would you like me to repeat the message?" Asked the tall European archer. "No thank you Fallon" responded Bryant, "Post a response to the others, 'Not sure around the intricacies of this case yet but I am sure that we are seeing at least 2 elements of the Qin involved here. What is not yet clear to me is if this is an action by individuals or something more extensive. Someone was prepared  perhaps to allow this Qin stealth technology to fall into Aeon hands and yet their primary request was for the control bio app.  Howies findings suggested the Qin who visited us was there to clear things up only. I think there is something internal going on at that embassy atm. I still think we need to understand why this girl is so important.  Her relationship with Carmine is key. "

"For all we know,  we might have just stumbled into a modern day Romeo and Juliet, and some of the Capulets might be objecting... Let's keep an open mind"

Zimwi - Zimwi asks her agent to explain Romeo and Juliet, and Capyoolets


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