Session #3 - in which violence ensues

Suzi and Zimwi are interrupted by a call from an Æon representative named Mrs McAllister. McAllister is someone that they have both heard of but never met previously. They always had the impression that she was quite senior within Æon on Luna but are unaware exactly what her role or department is.

She advises tham that she has an urgent task for them and that a pair of Hoppers will come to collect them. En route she explains that a clairsentient has received a vision of a powerful gyre (a culmination of fate and probability) and that at the location she provides they will find a group of assassins. Their task is to neutralize them as swiftly as possible.

They arrive at the location they are given on the border levels of the Olympus Underworld. Suzi uses her sensory gifts to identify two individuals in the building and confirms that neither of them appear to be psions. They prepare to enter and Suzi morphs her arm into a blade in preparation.

Zimwi bursts through their apartment door, surprising them and grappling one to the ground. Suzi moves to attack the other as he draws a laser pistol and blasts her in the face. She retaliates and he draws a blade. Zimwi hurls her opponent at the man Suzi is fighting. Zimwi then interrupts the assassins and before they can act finishes off her original opponent with a strike from a vibrosword (that Mrs McAllister had arranged to be waiting for her outside). The remaining opponent tries to flee, running past the two agents. Zimwi launches herself out of the apartment window, using her spider harness to chase after the would-be assassin. In turn Suzi chases after the fleeing target, catches up with him in the hallway and strikes him down with her transmogrified arm.

Meanwhile a Hopper is waiting for Bryant outside the Qin embassy. He is advised that it has been sent by Mrs McAllister and that he is requested to go to the same address as the others (unbeknownst to him) and wait there. 

After dealing with their two foes Zimwi makes a call to Mrs McAllister and Suzi notices an unlocked minicomp. Suzi interrogates the minicomp and does a bit of research. It appears that these two men (who are oriental in appearance and heavily tattooed) are likely members of the notorious, and nigh mythical "Poison Clan". From correspondence Suzi is able to access it appears that these assassins were hired to kill Aisha Bennett but the request only arrived about a half hour before Mrs McAllister called Suzi and Zimwi. 

The team have a conference call and Bryant discovers that he is outside the building where Suzi and Zimwi are.

Bryant joins them in the apartment and examines the bodies. His examination of the tattoo markings on the bodies and familiarity with Chinese society confirms their suspicions that these are Poison Clan; a gang of assassins, kidnappers and blackmailers with links to the Tongs. They roam Olympus rather than holding a single turf and offer their services to exclusive clientele.

Suzi also discovers that the minicomp holds what appears to be drone camera footage of Aisha, recorded within the last 24 hours, which had been sent to the Poison Clan by their client. She downloads it to her own minicomp and sets her Agent the task of trying to identify where on Luna the images were captured. Checking the rest of the apartment they note that it looks like it was home to a third person so an assassin may already be on Aisha's trail. 

The team decide to rest as they have been working solidly for about 15 hours and will reconvene in the morning by which time they hope Suzi's Agent will have come up with some information.

Aisha has now been missing for 49 hours...  


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